Training for Early Learning
and Elementary Leaders
Training opportunities to build early childhood and elementary school leaders' and coaches' understanding of high quality early learning. Topics include:
Developmentally appropriate pedagogy
Effective instructional practices
Equitable practices
Using assessment data in inform teaching and learning
Available to co-create and co-facilitate professional development sessions as a sustainable learning experience for leaders. On-site individualized support in assessing program quality and planning for continuous program quality improvement.
Systems Support
District, school, or organization support in assessing program quality and planning for continuous, strength-based, and equity-focused program quality improvement. Topics include:
Developing district early learning mission and philosophy statements
Strategic planning
Designing the infrastructure in which early learning can best. met the needs of children and their families
Identifying opportunities to align decisions with district departments
Alignment of Pre-K to K
Training for Early Learning Teachers
Customized training on such early learning topics as:
Classroom environment
Teacher-child interactions
Exploring culture and race
Playing to learn
Social and emotional development
Using data to inform teaching and learning
Culturally relevant practices
Oral language development
Emergent literacy.
Current and Past Partners
Alum Rock Union School District
Austin Independent School District
Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
Bolinas Stinson Union School District
Center for the Collaborative Classroom
East Palo Alto Unified School District
East Central Independent School District
Edgewood Independent School District
Foxborough Public Schools
Long Beach Unified School District
Harlandale Independent School District
Marin County Office of Education
Marin Day Schools
Mill Valley School District
Oakland Unified School District
Old Firehouse Preschools
Pre-K 4 San Antonio
Ross Valley School District
Saint Mary Magdalen School
San Antonio Independent School District
San Francisco Unified School District
San Rafael City School
Sonoma County Office of Education
South San Antonio Independent School District
Southwest Independent School District
Teaching Strategies
Watertown School District
Do you need help assessing your early learning programs and planning for continuous program improvement? Contact us today and let us be your thought partner.